We look forward to meeting you.
At Abundant Life Worship Center (ALWC) you will discover a warm group of real people dedicated to following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and a group of leaders committed to teaching the truth of God’s Word (The Bible) in practical ways. Our Sunday worship services begin promptly at the listed times and feature a time of prayer, singing, and opportunities to get to know your neighbor. From the moment you walk into ALWC you can expect…

A Place for All People
Our aim is to reach all people for Christ; therefore, we expect to grow as a congregation of all demographics; both multi-ethnic and inter-generational, both white collar professionals and blue-collar workers; PhDs and “GEDs”; tech savvy folks as well as those who prefer to live a no frills, simple kind of life. And best of all, no group of people will ever be considered more special than the others – we’re one in Christ!
Love and Connection
We are a place that is serious about love, true love, the kind of love that comes from real connection with God and others. A heartfelt greeting is part of what makes a church a church. No matter what question you might have, just ask. Our greeters are there to help you get settled and comfortable. We are casual atmosphere where friendships can form and relationships deepen.

One of the ways to express worship to God is through music. We love music, all kinds of music. From hymns to contemporary tunes, we use music to honor God and to express our love towards Him. We invite you to participate by joining in. If you don’t know the words to the songs, don’t worry, we post the lyrics on the wall just for you.
Conversation and Relevant Messages
Expect to be noticed. Expect people to say something like, “Hi, we haven’t met before, is this your first time?” Expect for people to reach out to you in love. When it comes to the sermons and Bible lessons we receive, don’t be surprised when you find yourself laughing and learning at the same time! Our ministry team is gifted in providing scripture based practical and relevant teaching that addresses the realities of modern life in an open and loving manner.

When You Arrive
We have designated parking for visitors in our parking lot on Glenn Street. There is street parking available on Glenn, Nebraska, and Amador Streets.
When you approach the building, you will be welcomed by one of our greeters who can answer any questions you have and help you find a seat.