Becoming a House of Prayer
Posted on Jun 27, 2015 by admin in ALWC Featured Content, Message Notes |

ALWC Guiding Principle #4, Prayer is the highest privilege / weapon in the life of the believer. In our new series, Becoming a House of Prayer, we have been exploring the Word of God to receive His revelation of the role of prayer in our lives. Most people will agree that prayer is a critical ingredient to every person’s spiritual life, but rarely do we encounter people that feel that they really have a strong grasp of what it really means to pray.
Throughout the Bible, prayer is revealed as the key to God’s intervention into the lives of people, and the gateway to supernatural change.
Prayer is not…..
Prayer is not getting God’s attention or trying to get God to do something. Why would we need to get the attention of a God who reveals Himself to us as Jehovah Shamma (the Lord who is there: Ezekiel 48:35)? In Hebrews 4:12-16, we are told that the Word of God (Jesus), is alive and active and that all things are visible to Him. It tells us that He is a high priest to us that can sympathize with our weakness and that we can come boldly before the throne of grace to find help in our time of need. This passage expresses God’s availability to us and willingness to meet our needs as we remain in conversation with Him (prayer).
Prayer is…..
We define prayer as: “talking to, listening to, and moving with God”. Prayer is an ongoing conversation with God as modeled by Jesus. When asked about some of His parables and sayings, Jesus would respond with, “I only speak that which I hear the Father say“. In this Jesus was giving us a glimpse of the invisible conversation between He and the Father as way of living/praying.
We invite you to join us in this teaching on prayer and invite you to post your comments and revelations that God is giving you part of this teaching series on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/abundantlifeworship.net or share your testimony on our website.
To listen to the messages on this series check out our media center https://www.abundantlifeworship.net/media/sermons/
God Bless You.
Pastor Derry
Vision: God’s Plan for Your Life
Posted on Sep 16, 2013 by Derry Moten in Message Notes |
Pastor Derry L. Moten
God’s Plan for your Life
Foundation Scripture: Proverbs 29:18
Key Scriptures: Genesis 1:26-28; Jeremiah 29:11-13; Psalm 127:1-2; Matthew 6:33; Jeremiah 33:1-3
Supplemental Scriptures: Genesis 17:4-5; 1 Kings 19:12; Proverbs 23:5; Genesis 3:17; Exodus 4:2-5; Ephesians 3:20; Psalm 51:16-17; John 6:54,56; Genesis 3:8-10
Last Sunday we learned in Proverbs 29:18, that when the people have no vision, they perish. When we can not see God’s vision for our lives we cast off good judgment and rely on ourselves, which leads ultimately to death. Revelation is something revealed that has not previously been seen, but God wants us to see it! Although we have been born in sin and predisposed to desiring sin, God, knowing our flaws, wants to make us perfect in Him! Is there really anything that can make us perfect? Yes! God, through Christ, makes us perfect!
We also learned last week that the Old Testament Prophet Elisha’s response and relationship to his predecessor Elijah, is a shadow of how our (the Church’s) response and relationship should be to Christ Jesus. The Power and anointing of Elijah was upon Elisha, just as the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit of Christ is on us! Be in a position to receive it!
Today’s message is about God’s plan for our lives; before the foundation of the world, God had a plan for each of us but in order to discover that plan, we have Read more…
Vision: Receiving the Mantle of God
Posted on Sep 9, 2013 by Derry Moten in Message Notes | Tags: Anointing, Calling, Elijah, Elisha, mantle, vision
Message by: Pastor Derry L. Moten
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Receiving the Mantle of God
Key Scriptures: Proverbs 29:18; 2Kings 2:1-15; Acts 1:8-9, 2:38-39
Supplemental Scriptures: John 20:22
Proverbs 29:18 teaches us that where there is no vision/revelation, the people will perish or run wild! If that’s the case, how and where are we to get this vision/revelation so that we can stay in tune to what God wants to do in our lives?
In this particular passage in Proverbs, however similar, there is a distinction between the usage of the words “vision” and “revelation” – revelation as something God Himself discloses or communicates directly to us, while vision is what we see supernaturally and in anticipation of the thing God shares/reveals to us. Thus, without God revealing a thing to us, God’s vision cannot fully be comprehended by us.
In today’s message, we learn how important it is to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit and His fullness in our lives as we remain persistent and diligent in seeking to fulfill God’s mission and vision in our lives.
Just as Elijah’s mentee Elisha served him and followed him more closely than all the others who honored Elijah, and as the remaining 11 disciples followed Jesus more closely than everyone else who loved Jesus- those that remained the closest received from God, that which only He could give; His anointing and Holy Spirit.
So what’s the correlation of these two passages of scripture about Elijah and Elisha and Jesus and his disciples?
In the Old Testament, Elijah represents Jesus, just as Elisha and the other prophets represent the Church. The mantle that Elijah passes to Elisha as he ascends into heaven represents the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. This is in fact, a shadow of what we see Jesus say and do before He ascends to heaven before His disciples.
In 2 Kings 2, there were at least fifty prophets who stood and watched from a distance when Elisha receive the mantle as Elijah went up to be with the Lord and there were hundreds of followers of Jesus who were too distant at the time Jesus breathed on them and said “receive the Holy Spirit” (John 20).
Let’s not be like those who stood and watched from a distance and did not receive the mantle/anointing of the Holy Spirit. Let’s be the ones who refuse to leave our Lord’s presence, staying as close as possible to receive His full anointing and thus being able to accomplish even greater things in Christ as a result!
Questions to Consider
What is keeping you from following the Lord more closely? What may be keeping you from asking the Lord for a greater anointing? Do you believe that God wants this for your life?