Sermons Archive - Page 33 of 84 - Abundant Life Worship Center

August 2017

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Be the Church, Change the World pt3

Jesus never intended the word “church’ to refer to a building.  Instead He intended for church to refer to a group of people (the ekklesia) to be gathered in His name. Becoming the church means that this ekklesia focuses itself on fulfilling their purpose of bringing the will of God to pass in the earth. […]

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Be The Church, Change the World pt2

In part two of this series, we focus on the reality that God has supernaturally and strategically placed people in our spheres of influence, that need our ministry, but we may not currently be looking at ourselves as the salt and light that Jesus has called us to be. Join us as we discuss the […]

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Be the Church Change the World

Today we begin a new series titled is titled “Be the Church, Change the World. Changing the world might sound like an overwhelming task for any believer to take on.  And it is- that’s why God hasn’t asked you to do it.  While some (a few) may be called to take on a specific call to […]

July 2017

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Intimacy with God

Moses is one of the Bible’s greatest examples of an individual that came to know God personally.  In Exodus 33, Moses shares a moment of intimacy with God that few people ever shared before the sacrifice of Jesus.  While most of want the blessings of God, the major question is How is our intimacy with […]
