January 2020

Best Year Ever pt 4 – Are You Ready

What does it mean when someone asks “are you ready?”  This question usually invokes a mental or physical inventory of our capacity or supply of what is needed for an event, activity, travel, challenge, etc.  To be ready for the Best Year Ever, there are a couple of foundational things that God needs from us, […]

Best Year Ever pt 2

  In Acts chapter 20 the Apostle Paul shares with the Elders of the three elements of his service to the Church. These three elements translate to the modern church as keys to the Best Year Ever. In today’s message, we dig deeper into these three elements with a message titled The Gospel Impact pt […]

Best Year Ever pt 1

The new year offers hope to everyone as we look to the future and all of its potential and possibilities.  But no matter the future we envision in this season, nothing will change in our lives unless we choose to make a change. At Abundant Life Worship Center, we begin the new year with a […]

December 2019

The Journey pt 39 – Principles of Harvest and Increase pt 2

Honoring God begins with acknowledging God for what you already have, and when a believer begins to acknowledge God and thank Him for what they already have, the doors of faith for increase begin to open. In today’s message, we continue talking about The Principles of Harvest and Increase from the Kingdom Supply section of […]
