September 2016
Grace Pointe Faith 3year Celebration
You Shall Declare a Thing Pastor Derry delivers a message to the congregation of Grace Pointe Faith church (Pastor James Williams) in celebration of their 3 Year Anniversary.
July 2016
If My People…Part 2
If My People…Part 2 Pastor Edward Anderson continues his powerful message with an encouragement to the body of Christ to wake up and take their position as world changers through the power prayer.
If My People…
If My People… Pastor Edward Anderson delivers a powerful message with an encouragement to the body of Christ to wake up and take their position as world changers through the power of the God.
March 2016
The Godly Fast pt 2
The Godly Fast part 2 Pastor Derry continues last weeks message defining the Godly Fast according to Isaiah chapter 58, as the ALWC Family seeks the Lord during our 21 day fast leading up to Easter.