Sermons Archive - Page 57 of 84 - Abundant Life Worship Center

November 2015

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Go in Faith part 2

Go in Faith part 2 Pastor Derry continues the Go series with a powerful message inviting us to recognize the power and value of us going. God has given us a new identity in Christ and has equipped us with all that is required to transform nations.

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The Cost to Go

The Cost to Go Pastor Edward Anderson continues the Go series and inspiring message about the cost of the choice to Go and make disciples of all nations and the blessing of being willing to pay the cost.

October 2015

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Go in Faith

Go in Faith The disciples were given the Great Commission by Jesus, “go into all the world and make disciples of all nations”, but this commission came only after the disciples had become witnesses to the resurrection. They witnessed by the natural eye, but we witness through revelation and faith. Are you ready to Go […]

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Go – Who are you to go part 3

This weeks message highlights the reality that “We are them”!  This is in reference to our understanding that the distressed, discontented, and indebted people that God is sending to the church (body of Christ) represent those of us that are already in church.  Their stories are our stories.  Paul told the Corinthians ” and such […]
